Book and toy drive
Put up a stand or a box in a public area where you’ll be collecting donations. Promote your event – post online, put signs up and let everyone know that you’ll be collecting books and toys for donation to children.
If you’re doing this in your office or school, we suggest emailing everyone to let them know where and when you’ll be taking donations, or placing a box in different public places for multiple donation points. Donate everything you receive to a school, community center or children’s hospital of your choice for an amazing impact!
Document life stories
Help document the life stories of your neighborhood elderly people. Find an elderly person with an interesting life story – if you don’t know any neighbors that could use this service, you can contact a local nursing home or elderly center to match you up with an interesting resident. Meet up with them and let them tell you their life’s story, what they’ve been through, their childhood etc.
Document the occasion – take photos or even a video, write down the story or record the session. After writing and editing it, create a printed version or a CD with the result to give them and their families as a heartwarming present.

Pop up library
Build a pop-up library and invite your community to donate and take books. A great way to meet fellow readers! Find a neighborhood that does not have a library, yet has a facility or free space that can be turned into a library. This doesn’t have to be a huge space – if you can fit a few shelves or a small cupboard, it works perfectly.
If the place needs an overhaul – painting, fixing, cleaning, and/or equipment – ask for donated materials and recruit volunteers to help in renovations. Encourage community members to donate used books they don’t read anymore and just have around the house – print posters or spread the word of your library online to let everyone know where they can donate their books. Celebrate the library launch with the community, host an event or a fun storytime for kids.
Outdoor Cleanup Project
Many parks and natural spots could use some cleaning. Locate a park or nature reserve that could benefit from cleaning and care. Collect bags to collect waste, gloves, and water for your volunteers and, if you expect a large amount of trash, a truck for waste disposal.
Recruit volunteers for the project: advertise the need for volunteers through cross-community platforms and community centers. The results will definitely benefit all passersby and inhabitants!

Promote a Development Goal
Browse through the list of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and choose an SDG (or multiple!) that are closest to your heart and most relevant for your community. Choose an activity raising awareness for the goal you chose and promoting different ways the community can make it better – for example:
– for goal #3 – good health and well being – do a blood donation stand in cooperation with your local hospital
– for goal #4 – quality education – host a book drive and donate the books to a local school or organization
– for goal #15 – life on land – plant trees with your friends to fight deforestation
The options are endless!
Looking for more ideas? Consult the Get Ideas page on our website for inspiration.
Ready to make a difference? Registration for Good Deeds Day is now open! Let us know what you’ll be doing to make the world a better place.