Fundación Cozumel, Mexico 2024

For Good Deeds Day (GDD) 2024, 19.6%, nearly one-fifth, of the activities, projects, and events conducted worldwide focused on our environment, with the central goal of improving it. This fills us with hope and satisfaction, as the scientific data on climate change is alarming. Knowing that our efforts contribute to reversing this trend makes us view the future with greater optimism and positivity.

What is climate change?

According to the United Nations (UN), climate change refers to long-term changes in temperatures and weather patterns. These changes can be natural, resulting from variations in solar activity or large volcanic eruptions. However, since the 19th century, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas.

Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions, which act like a blanket around the Earth, trapping the sun’s heat and raising temperatures. Carbon dioxide and methane are the primary gases that cause climate change, mainly from gasoline used in cars and coal used to heat buildings and homes.

Deforestation and tree felling also generate carbon dioxide emissions. Similarly, agriculture and the oil industry produce methane emissions.

A new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shows that greenhouse gas emissions from human activities have caused the planet to warm by 1.1°C from 1850-1900 to the present. Even more alarming, the study predicts that global temperatures are expected to reach or exceed 1.5°C of warming within the next 20 years.

Facing this unavoidable reality, scientists agree that climate change is occurring on an unprecedented scale worldwide, and some of these changes will be irreversible. Only drastic and sustained action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions can slow and limit the extent of these changes. That’s why we are extremely proud that GDD has contributed to reversing the current situation.

Here are six activities and projects conducted worldwide for Good Deeds Day this year, focusing on environmental improvement and ultimately reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Club de Leones San Marcos Perla del San Jorge, DBA 2024

Colombia: San Marcos Perla del San Jorge Lions Club

Volunteers from this club, part of Lions International, planted timber trees near the water source on the outskirts of Barrio Paraíso in San Marcos, Sucre Department. This initiative was part of the Good Deeds Day 2024 celebrations, contributing to environmental conservation.

Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica, DBA 2024

Costa Rica: Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica

The Department of Citizen Participation, with support from the Sustainability Area of the Development Department, conducted talks for students and deputies on environmental protection. These sessions covered actions to implement the single-use plastics law, aiming to eradicate these items and influence public policies.

Additionally, they promoted a responsible culture regarding the use of natural resources.

For these activities, they were awarded the Excellence in Kindness Actions in the Civil Sector for Promoting the Most Innovative Project by Good Deeds Day Costa Rica. (Día de las Buenas Acciones Costa Rica)

Good Deeds Day Morocco

Morocco: Good Deeds Day Morocco

For Good Deeds Day, teenage volunteers in Morocco organized a high-impact event where they planted trees, ensuring a greener future and providing relief from the Sahara’s heat. The event also included artistic activities and a delicious meal full of surprises.

HandsOn London

United Kingdom: HandsOn London

A fantastic group of volunteers from Port Talbot, Wales, joined HandsOn London for Good Deeds Day. They conducted a cleanup as part of the celebrations, aiming to create cleaner communities and a healthier environment.

Kalulushi Municipal Council

Zambia: Kalulushi Municipal Council

With a campaign called “Keep Zambia Clean, Green, and Healthy,” the Kalulushi Municipal Council and Good Deeds Day Zambia aimed to raise awareness and clean up the city. They promoted the event on two radio stations and then, together with numerous volunteers, cleaned the Lwato market.

Do-Nation Foundation

Saint Lucia: Do-Nation Foundation

For Good Deeds Day 2024, the youth of this charming Caribbean island came together for a magical day filled with activities and good deeds.

They started the day with a church service at the Roman Catholic Church of Canarias, cooked and shared local meals, painted a mural to beautify the surroundings, and participated in a community cleanup aimed at positively impacting and improving the environment.

Good Deeds Day, an annual global day of doing good, is the pinnacle of doing good year-round. Good Deeds Day has grown to 115 countries with millions of participants.  Good Deeds Day 2025 will take place on April 6.



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