
1. Make it a goal to smile more

How often do we walk into a room and see most people standing around looking, well, kind of bored? They might glance down at their phones or look up as you pass by, but generally, they just look neutral. Why not challenge yourself to smile more? Flash a smile at your neighbor as you drive by, the mailman as he drops off a package, and the cashier at the grocery store. Shifting your expression from neutral to a smile is a small action that can have a huge impact on someone else’s day.

2. Open the door for someone

Think about the last time someone held a door open for you. Maybe it was at a store when your hands were full of shopping bags or as you were entering or exiting school. No matter where it happened, you probably felt grateful to the person who held the door because it was one less thing to worry about as you moved to your next destination. Take a few seconds to hold the door for someone else, and better yet, remember to smile as they walk by.

3. Motivate Others

Motivation is something many people struggle with. However, with support from others, encouraging words, and positivity, you can lift someone’s spirits. Try using key phrases like “You did it!” and “How do you feel about that?” Positive language such as “You can do it!” can also be very motivating.

4. Practice acts of kindness

Many ideas on this list are simple acts of kindness. Beyond these suggestions, there are countless other activities that qualify as acts of kindness. Try to practice at least two different acts of kindness each day. This could mean donating clothes to those in need, volunteering your time to serve meals, or even just taking a moment to hold the door open for someone. The possibilities are endless!

(Courtesy Hands On Manilla)

5. Make Time to Bond with Friends and Family

Life is too short to be constantly “busy.” It’s easy to get wrapped up in the daily grind of school, work, homework, and household chores. Instead, make it a point to set aside time to forget about your to-do list and spend a few hours catching up with family and friends. You’ll find it’s time well spent, and you’ll still have plenty of time to tackle your tasks later.

6. Offer Words of Encouragement

In today’s world, negativity often takes center stage. It seems like nothing is ever good enough, and people frequently fall short of perfection. Instead of focusing on what others are doing wrong, use your voice to highlight what they’re doing right and encourage them to keep working towards their goals.



Volunteers in Malawi spend time with the elderly
Volunteers in Malawi spend time with the elderly

7. Give a Hug or a Handshake

The power of touch is truly unique. Sharing a hug or a handshake is a simple yet powerful way to show compassion. Make an effort to use hugs and handshakes in different situations to let others know you care.

Whether you’re greeting a friend, comforting someone in distress, or congratulating a colleague, these gestures can create a sense of connection and warmth. Physical touch can bridge emotional gaps, making people feel valued and supported. So, don’t underestimate the impact of a simple hug or handshake – it can make a world of difference in someone’s day.

8. Make “Thank You” Part of Your Daily Routine

We often assume that our gratitude is implied, but in reality, our thankfulness often goes unspoken. Make it a habit to say “thank you” more often in your daily activities. Thank the receptionist at the hair salon for her time, a teacher for their dedication in the classroom, or a child for their eagerness to learn. Expressing gratitude should never be left unspoken.

9. Strengthen Relationships by Taking Time to Listen to Others

Sometimes, the simplest way to build a relationship is by listening. Make an effort to truly hear what others have to say. Engage in the conversation, but avoid dominating it. While it’s easy to be the only one talking, it’s much more valuable to listen to and appreciate the contributions of others.


10. Volunteering Your Time

Giving your time to help those in need demonstrates a deep level of compassion and contributes significantly to the well-being of your community. When you volunteer, you are not only providing essential services but also showing that you care about the collective well-being of others. Your actions can have a ripple effect, inspiring others to also contribute and fostering a sense of solidarity and mutual support within the community.


Good Deeds Day, an annual global day of doing good, is the pinnacle of doing good year-round. Good Deeds Day has grown to 115 countries with millions of participants.  Good Deeds Day 2025 will take place on April 6.


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