A new year is a new beginning. A do-over of sorts. That’s why people make New Year’s Resolutions. One of the easiest ones to keep is to be better, to be kinder, and to do good deeds to help others.
Goodnet has compiled a selection of 52 good deeds that have little or no cost and are sure to make a difference. Doing just one act of kindness a week can make a better world in 2022.
1. Give a neighbor a lift on a cold day.
2. Let someone go ahead of you in line in the market.
3. Take a CPR class so you can give the gift of life.
4. Buy girl scout cookies to support.
5. Donate a winter coat or gloves.
6. Buy a hot meal for a homeless person.
7. Shovel the snow from your neighbor’s walkway.
8. Donate to hurricane or disaster relief.
9. Buy a hot meal for a homeless person.
10. Foster a shelter animal.
11. Write a positive review for a local restaurant.
12. Call your parents or grandparents and brighten their day.
13. Donate diapers and baby wipes to a food bank.
14. Shop online with stores that use iGive.
15. Pay it Backwards at the coffee shop and start a chain.
16. Bring flowers to hospital patients.
17. Fill a bird feeder with seeds.
18. Hold the elevator door for someone.
19. Compliment a co-worker on a new outfit
20. Donate blood or sign up to be an organ donor.
21. Offer your seat to an expectant mother.
22. Help build a home with Habitat for Humanity.
23. Weed a community garden.
24. Return your shopping cart to the store.
25. Smile at a stranger on the street.
26. Make dinner for the family of a newborn baby.
27. Donate your hair to locks of love.
28. Give a homemade gift to a friend.
29. Recycle your plastic bottles.
30. Eat less meat in your diet and reduce your carbon footprint.
31. Forgive someone who wronged you.
32. Carpool or ride a bike to school or work.
33. Read to a child in school (in person or on Zoom).
34. Plant a tree yourself or use a server that will.
35. Make chicken (real or mock) soup for a sick friend.
36. Thank an essential worker for their service.
37. Bring crayons and coloring books to a homeless shelter.
38. Sign a petition for a cause you believe in.
39. Apologize for something you said or did.
40. Use reusable cutlery instead of single-use plastics.
41. Help clean a park or a beach in your community.
42. Leave books at a Little Library or start your own.
43. Put your change in a charity box when you shop.
44. Share your talents with a senior center.
45. Wish someone a Happy Birthday Online.
46. Give a pen to someone who needs it.
47. Donate gifts to toys for tots.
48. Bring homemade treats to a firehouse on a holiday.
49. Leave a large tip for your server.
50. Contribute dog or cat food to a local shelter.
51. Participate in Good Deeds Day on April 3, 2022.
52. Share this list with a friend.
Good Deeds Day, an annual global day of doing good, is the pinnacle of doing good year-round. Initiated in 2007 by businesswoman and philanthropist Shari Arison, Good Deeds Day has grown to 108 countries with millions of participants. Good Deeds Day 2022 is on April 3.
This article was originally published on Goodnet and appears here with permission.