Category: Take Action

Marketing Your Good Deeds Day Project

Creating and organizing your very own Good Deeds Day project can sometimes be the easy part. The challenge is getting as many people to participate as you possibly can! Our team came up with the best tips on how to invite everyone you know to join in and do good with you.

9 Good Deeds That Are Really Good For Your Health

There’s no doubt that doing good contributes to our lives in many ways. Without your health and feeling good, it makes it difficult to give back and do good. Here are 9 ways in which you can do both at the same time.

10 Activities You Can Do on Good Deeds Day

Still stuck on ideas? Not sure what you’ll do on Good Deeds Day? Today is your lucky day. We put together this list you can use for inspiration. What will you be doing on April 16?

10 Good Deeds to Raise Good Vibes in Your Office

Volunteers from the Jewish Federation of south Palm Beach County smile wide while doing good.

The average person spends just as much time in the office as they do at home. Here are 10 of the best practices to get the good vibes going in your office, today and every day.