Working alongside our partners to support Ukraine, we’ve gathered a list of trusted charity and humanitarian organizations directly providing aid in Ukraine, as well Poland and Moldova, where a massive wave of refugees fleeing the war are landing.
Working alongside our partners to support Ukraine, we’ve gathered a list of trusted charity and humanitarian organizations directly providing aid in Ukraine, as well Poland and Moldova, where a massive wave of refugees fleeing the war are landing.
With a little over a month until Good Deeds Day 2022, it’s a great time to decide how you’ll join the Doing Good movement. Maybe you’ll start your own project or you’d like to join one that is already being hosted. We are happy to highlight some inspirational projects that will be taking place on April 3rd, 2022, from around the world.
GDD is just a few weeks away, and now is the time to start making plans. Here’s a list of 25 ideas to help you get started!
Interested in boosting employee morale and providing a team bonding experience? Improving employee retention? Here are some tips to consider when choosing what good deed to do in your community.
If you’re thinking about joining Good Deeds Day and are looking for some ideas of good deeds to do in your community, we are here to provide you with a few to spark the imagination.
These ones go beyond just a new workout plan.
Do you know how you’ll be doing good? Ideas for example projects wait for you inside this article!
2022 is almost here! This year was not what anyone expected, it has required us all to step up, and find creative ways to do good, even from home!
Everyone needs a digital marketing strategy, especially in today’s post-corona worldwide web. Nonprofits may not make sales or have products, but it’s crucial to share your mission and your story, gain volunteers, get donations, and invite people to join in to help the world. Here are your first 10 steps.
No matter how much you have to be grateful for, or how positive you tend to be, you can never find too many ways to work more gratitude into your life.