Pesach (Passover) in Judaism
With Passover taking place just a few weeks after Good Deeds Day this year, multiple Jewish organizations took the opportunity to use their Good Deeds Day event to do some good for their community for the upcoming holiday.
Organization: Shevet Pisga, the Israeli Scouts of Las Vegas, USA, is an organization of Israelis who live in the Las Vegas area that focuses on issues such as the values of the Hebrew Scout movement, democracy, equality, leadership development, strengthening personal security, training abilities, personal identity formation, scouting, strengthening ties with the State of Israel and the Hebrew language preservation.
Project: Shevet Pisga created Happy Passover food bags to be distributed to disadvantaged Jewish community members in the Las Vegas area. Through the Chabad Center in Las Vegas, they were put in touch with 60 families in need. They created bags that included traditional Passover items such as matzot, matzah balls, wine, and Passover cakes – all kosher and donated by the scout’s families. After packing the bags, the scouts hand-delivered them to the families.

Ramadan in Islam

Easter in Christianity
With Easter falling just a few weeks after Good Deeds Day, it was a great time for organizations to align their volunteering activities with this springtime holiday.
Organization: The Green Changemakers from the Technical School in Karlovac, Croatia volunteered with the Jak Association as Jacob. Jak Association as Jacob aims to help children suffering from and treated for malignant diseases. The association was founded in memory of Jacob Rubido, a 13-year-old boy who suffered and battled a severe form of leukemia.
Project: The Green Changemaker students prepared Easter greeting cards, which, among other works created by the volunteers, were sold as part of the Easter in the Heart campaign. After the card designs were agreed upon, the students made over 100 at their schools for the Association. After the cards were completed, Ms. Rubido, the Director of Jake Association as Jacob, invited the students and their teacher to visit the Association where she talked to the students about their mission and the importance of volunteerism.