GOOD DEEDS DAY IN ALBANIA Beyond Barriers Albania is a non-profit, civil society organization, established in 2004. We work with young people in national, regional, and European levels, by promoting inclusion and skills through nonformal education. BBA is the Contact Point of Erasmus +YiA and the European Solidarity Corps programs of the European Commission, for… Read more »
GOOD DEEDS DAY IN MONTENEGRO We organized two years in a row a Good Deeds Day, where we included a lot of people, voluntary clubs, organizations, schools, companies, institutions.
I have been involved in GDD coordination activities since 2017 in Armenia. In 2021 I have moved to Luxembourg and decided to continue the GDD in Luxembourg as well. We organized art therapy activities for migrant kids and women from Ukraine.
O DIA DAS BOAS AÇÕES EM PORTUGAL A ENTRAJUDA promoveu o Dia das Boas Ações em Portugal, uma iniciativa que liga, na mesma data, pessoas e organizações de todo o mundo empenhadas em construir um mundo mais solidário e fraterno, gerando o bem. Mais de 60 organizações sociais aderiram em Portugal à proposta feita pela… Read more »
GOOD DEEDS DAY IN CROATIA As our first year participating in Good Deeds Day, we organised one project supporting an animal shelter in Croatia. We walked dogs, cleaned their boxes, painted a huge mural in the shelter, and finally we danced to the Jerusalema song – getting featured on prime time national television!