In 2017 we celebrated Good Deeds Day in the Dominican Republic for the first time. We held a talk on the appropriate terminology and humane treatment of people with disabilities, within the framework of the National Youth Volunteering Fair, organized by Sirve Quisqueya, with the support of different NGOs and ministries. The same Fair was held in 2018, with a photography contest to represent youth volunteers. In 2019, more partners joined. Among them were the Dominican Scouts, who collaborated in a reforestation day in Villa Altagracia, and FUNDESI carried out a clean-up in the Higuamo river in San Pedro de Macorís.
In 2020, we took part in the global campaign “24 hours of Good Deeds”, sharing project ideas that could be carried out from home, and we organized the project “Good Actions facing COVID-19”, were we distributed baskets of food products to the elderly and to people suffering diabetes and hypertension. That same year we also took part in a clean-up of the FUNAVAD Coasts in Playa del Palmar de Ocoa, where people from the government joined the activity. Finally, for Christmas, together with a group of organizations, we brought joy to the MADELAES Foundation Girls’ Home in Santo Domingo Norte. We spent a fun afternoon with them, sharing, cooking, dancing and making crafts with recycled products.
Since 2020, we are registered as a Non-Profit Organization with the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, and in 2021 we have carried out more than 15 projects at the national level, thus contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals and the National Development Strategy 2030.
We are a movement with continuous activity every day of the year, and we want to invite you to become part of it.
Get involved!
Country Committee
Víctor Tejeda
victorreinoso13@gmail.comCountry Coordinator
Mallerlyn Lizardo
mlizardoperez@gmail.comTeam Member
Edison Robles
ericrobles6@hotmail.comNorthern Region Coordinator
Grether Adames
gretheradames@gmail.comSouthern Region Coordinator
Claudio Cordero
info@fundacionsantalola.orgEastern Region Coordinator
Our Partners
In the Dominican Republic we are aligned with and committed to the Sustainable Development Goals. For this reason, all the projects we develop for the Good Deeds Day are organized based on the objectives. In addition, environmental protection is pivotal for us, so we carry out projects related to this issue several times a year.
We believe in creativity and the empowerment of young people through action, which is why we promote volunteering in general, and the Good Deeds Day in particular, as a way to open up spaces where they can develop, gain experience and become the leaders of tomorrow.
SDG Focus
Our Good Deeds project in the face of COVID 19 consisted of delivering products from the basic food basket to older adults and to people with hypertension and diabetes. In addition, we broadcasted videos on how to make reusable bags with old clothes and on how to make protective masks with plastic bottles. With these activities, we have benefited 110 families from Greater Santo Domingo.