iVolunteer has been participating in Good Deeds Day since 2017 by organizing various volunteer projects engaging thousands of volunteers and partnering with several non-profits and other organizations to celebrate simple acts of volunteering and service to humanity. For Good Deeds Day 2021, we collaborated with many regional organizations and leaders to bring together all GDD India activities on this page. Various projects on tactile gameboards, beach clean-ups, creative arts and crafts classes, no plastic campaigns, awareness sessions, and workshops have been designed for the volunteers to choose from.
Get involved!
Country Committee
PAN India
Mr. Shalabh Sahai
Shalabh@iVolunteer.iniVolunteer - Co-Founder & Director
Mohd. Saleem
saleem@iVolunteer.iniVolunteer - Senior Relationship Manager
Ziaul Hasan
ngogifts@gmail.comGlobal innovative Foundation of Transforming Society - Director and Trustee
Birendra Kumar Soni, MSW
nvpfint@gmail.comNon-Violence Foundation - Managing Trustee
Raja M
mahelerecen@gmail.comMadurai Health and Leprosy Relief Centre - Program Coordinator
Afsal Mohammed B
captainafsal@gmail.comFounder and CEO, Captains Social Foundation
Ashutosh Sharma
ashutosh211992@gmail.comHumans of Volunteering - Storyteller & Volunteer
Dr. Prahalathan KK
bhumi.gdd@bhumi.ngoCo-Founder, Bhumi
Prabhakaran Karunamoorthi
Associate Director - Catalyse, Bhumi
SDG Focus
For Good Deeds Day, India hosted a Skill Marathon, wrote thank you letter to doctors and nurses on the front lines of Covid, and helped keep animals and strays safe .

2022 PLANS
More updates to come!