Hundreds of member associations and tens of thousands of citizens involved in the initiatives participate in the Good Deeds Day events in Rome. Since the beginning of 2016 we have started collaborating with the Fun Run, the non-competitive race of the Rome Marathon in the Circus Maximus area. Together for the Common Good – Good Deeds Day Italy received the medal for the Presidency of the Republic in 2018 and 2019, an extraordinary recognition.
Get involved!
Country Committee
Rome and Lazio
Cristina De Luca
President CSV Lazio ETS
Francesca Amadori
francesca.amadori@csvlazio.orgMember of the CSV Lazio Coordination Committee, and GDD Italy Coordinator.
Filomena Murreli
filomena.murreli@csvlazio.orgPromotions: CSV Lazio.
Irene Troia
Communications: CSV Lazio
Luca Testuzza
Visual and social: CSV Lazio
Riccardo Volpe
stracittadina@insiemeperilbenecomune.netTerritorial Operator: CSV Lazio and the referent for Fun Race - Charity program.
CSV Lazio follows the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda approved by the United Nations, and in particular to the Sustainable Development Goal number 17: “Strengthen the methods of implementation and relaunch the global partnership for development (17.17). Encourage and promote effective partnerships in the public sector, between public and private and in civil society based on the experience of partnerships and their ability to find resources.”
SDG Focus
In Italy, Good Deeds Day has taken place since 2015. We dedicate three days a year to the participation of citizens in the many initiatives in Rome and Lazio, promoted and organized by associations, but also by committees, local authorities and institutions. We also focus on improving neighborhoods, cleaning streets, spending time with lonely people, and cleaning public parks. Since 2016 it has been created in collaboration with the Fun Run, the Stracittadina di Roma (5 km amateur run) and the Acea Run Rome Marathon organized by Infront, Corriere Dello Sport – Stadio and Italia Marathon Club. Change 2024 Plans

2024 PLANS
More updates to come!