In Mexico we carry out activities and projects all year long. We are currently present in eleven states and aiming to reach more. Join our movement and let’s make a difference together.
Our national goal is to build a culture of solidarity through good deeds that may foster social change in Mexico.
We are currently devising a strategic plan for the movement in Mexico which includes producing ideas and strategies to make more sectors carry out, promote and pass along volunteer actions in the country.
We wish to integrate more businesses who may be interested in establishing corporate volunteering partnerships, making social investments in social projects, and sponsoring our activities.
We are trying Good Deeds Day to reach every state in the republic, and to achieve this we are hoping to rely on people or organizations who share our goals and wish to become our representatives and drive initiatives with all other sectors in their region.
Get involved!
Country Committee
Nonantzy López
nonantzylopez@gmail.comChiapas Coordinator
Saraí Loaiza
sarailoaiz@gmail.comSinaloa Coordinator
Blanca Ramírez
blanca@handsonmexico.orgCDMX Coordinator
Salvador Sánchez
traselfondo@fundacionmajocca.orgPuebla Coordinator
Lilian Fernández
lilian.fernandezg5@gmail.comAguascalientes Coordinator
Eunice Sotres
eunice.sotres@gmail.comGuanajuato Coordinator
Alejandra García
ale.aldeco@gmail.comQuerétaro, Yucatán and Quintana Roo Deputy Coordinator
Valentina Uribe
valentina@fundacionzorrorojo.orgQuerétaro, Yucatán and Quintana Roo Coordinator
Paulina Vega
cecilpaulina@gmail.comGuanajuato Deputy Coordinator
Jackie Kairy
jkairy20@gmail.comCDMX Collaborator
Miguel Portman
makomportman@gmail.comCDMX Collaborator
Mariana Mendoza Brera
dibujandonuestrosueno@hotmail.comBaja California Sur Coordinator
Salvador Guzmán Díaz Coordinator
Our Partners
Mexico is a country full of contrasts, where many social needs exist as a result of unequal opportunities. This context makes us a country with abundant volunteering opportunities.
From Good Deeds Day, we struggle to combat apathy, unawareness and scarce volunteer work. We trust in our initiative because it’s simple, fun and easy to carry out. We work all year long with enthusiasm and eager to do good to different social sectors, helping people who need opportunities in many ways.
Good Deeds Day has grown year after year, making up a network that holds volunteering activities in 11 states. We have local coordinators in the states of Puebla, Guanajuato, Querétaro, Quintana Roo, Yucatán, Ciudad de México, Jalisco, Baja California Sur, Chiapas, Sinaloa and Aguascalientes. In some states, massive actions are carried out, while in others, actions are focused on specific sectors.
Our coordinators team works at both the local and national levels, holding monthly meetings to join forces, integrate new organizations, attract the corporate sectors and mobilise volunteers all year long. We want Good Deeds Day in Mexico to be celebrated not only for individual actions but also collectively, having an impact in the development of our country.
SDG Focus
Since 2021, our focus shifted from regional actions to team up at the national level, and in this way reach more states and people. In this line, we launched a Good Deeds Day photography contest. The instruction was to provide images showing good deeds and inspiring others to Do Good, in order to motivate volunteers, companies and all other sectors to join our cause. The contest was so successful we even received photographs from abroad.