The Good Deeds Day tradition of doing good in communities worldwide is approaching! This coming April 10 will mark the 10th anniversary of what’s quickly become an amazing global movement of doing good. Millions of participants worldwide will be finding their own unique way to do good on this special day.
For some, getting actively involved with cleaning, painting and repair work is the perfect way to contribute on Good Deeds Day, while others choose to spend their day packing meals, collecting clothes or even paying a visit to the local retirement home.
The possibilities for doing good are truly endless, so everyone can find the activity that fits just right. For those who are still searching, there’s another option to contribute even more than you imagined you could!
This year, grassroots organizations spanning from Africa to Asia to South America were invited to add a wish list of various supplies, goods and items that their organizations could greatly benefit from. These organizations can be found on the GivingWay online social network which allows for individuals to directly connect with grassroots organizations worldwide. So, for this year’s Good Deeds Day, your participation can be as simple as 1, 2, 3:
- We love lists! Browse through the organizations participating in Good Deeds Day listed here and choose the organization that you would like to support.
- Now it’s shopping time! Check through the organization’s wish list and purchase items of choice.
- Finish with a quick visit to your neighborhood post office. You can get the shipping address through GivingWay’s support team. It would be really awesome if you sent us a picture capturing the moment and if you would like, we would love to give you a shout out of appreciation through our Facebook page!
So there it is – another great way to do something meaningful on this coming Good Deeds Day and make people happy somewhere out there!

This article was written by Givingway, and appears here with permission.