Shari Arison

Shari Arison – Initiator of Good Deeds Day

Good Deeds Day was initiated by Shari Arison, the brainchild she originated as she walked on the dunes of Wingate in 2007. Since then, Good Deeds Day has evolved into an international day celebrated in more than 100 countries worldwide, involving millions of people who step out to do a good deed – each according to their heart’s desire, way, and skill. Good Deeds Day serves as an example of how our world can look every day, not just on one peak day.

This unique day is run by the nonprofit Ruach Tova (Hebrew for Good spirit) adopted by the Arison Group, which operates under the auspices of The Ted Arison Family Foundation. Ruach Tova promotes the spirit of volunteering in Israel, connecting people who wish to volunteer with organizations that seek volunteers.

Shari Arison leads the Arison Group, a global business and philanthropic group operating to realize the vision of Doing Good. The group invests in ventures that bring added-value to people, society, and the economy. The Ted Arison Family Foundation, which is the group’s philanthropic arm, houses several vision ventures that she founded, including Essence of Life – an organization that raises awareness and offers tools for attaining inner peace. The nonprofit operates an online radio station, a visitor’s center, and a website. Additionally, Arison founded All One – an organization that generates a global dialog about a new reality summed up in the message “we are all connected, we are one”, and Goodnet – an online social venture for Doing Good.

Shari Arison founded Matan – Investing in the Community, an organization based on the model of United Way International, to strengthen the commitment of the business sector towards the communities in which it operates.

Arison developed The Doing Good Model, together with the Arison Group and leading American universities. It is a values-based model for positive creation worldwide, implementing 13 fundamental human values in every activity. The model serves as a day-to-day tool for integrating values at the core of people, businesses, nonprofits, and communities, for the benefit of society.

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