13) Climate action – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
One of the main sub-goals of climate action is to raise awareness using education about climate change and the way it impacts all of us. This can be done with children in school, but also by sharing videos and articles, giving lectures to your colleagues and starting discussions with neighbors and friends. This playlist from SciShow’s Hank Green is an accessible, fun resource to share this information with your network.
14-15) Life below water and life on land – Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources; Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss
Both life below water and life on land are ultimately about conserving our planet and life as we know it. Oceans cover three quarters of the earth’s surface, so our drinking water, weather, climate, coastlines, much of our food, and even the oxygen we breathe, are all provided and regulated by the sea. Natural habitats are home to over 80% of species, and millions are dependent directly on agriculture. That’s why it’s so important to take care of our planet. Looking to make a difference? There are many environmental volunteer programs, both on land and out in the sea, where you can put effort into helping the environment. We recommend starting your search with Givingway, our partners who specialize at volunteering abroad, and have a full section on their website dedicated to eco-volunteering. Volunteer in biodiversity research in Brazil, agroecological farms in Costa Rica or marine conservation programs in South Africa – the opportunities are endless!

16) Peace, justice and strong institutions – Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
Of course we all should strive to be accepting and live peacefully with others, different from us as they may be, but inclusive, peaceful and just societies will only be a result of fair and accepting policies, in education, economy, immigration and all other fields of life. One great way for you to affect those policies is to vote and be in touch with your representatives. Make sure you know what each candidate offers and vote for whomever you think has the best, most equal policies in matters important to you. After election day, remain in touch with your representative, whether in the town hall or the congress, they represent you and what you stand for, so make your voice heard loud and clear.
The SDGs are a great choice for a Good Deeds Day project, and a wonderful way to get other organizations or companies with a mutual goal involved in your project. Looking for more ways you can help advance the Sustainable Development Goals? Check out parts one, two and three of this series for 12 other goals you can make a difference in!
Ready to make a difference? Pre-registration for Good Deeds Day is now open! Let us know what you’ll be doing to make the world a better place on April 7, 2019.