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So many choose to do good over the holidays and volunteer serving or cooking a holiday meal for the hungry. Unfortunately, a lot of those soup kitchens are in need of volunteers right after the festive season is over, and what they really need now is your help. Volunteer your time at Meals on Wheels, cooking meals with the organization’s staff or delivering them to homebound seniors. If you don’t have a local Meals on Wheels project, you can look up any other soup kitchen or food project to help those in need in your community.


The ability to read and write is an essential tool on the road to a fulfilling life. If you’re reading these lines, it means you have everything it takes to become a tutor for organizations like Literacy Outreach, who made it their mission to teach essential literacy skills to adults who cannot read. Becoming a tutor only takes an hour and a half a week and will make all the difference in the world for your student and for you. Don’t live in Colorado? Contact a local community center or elderly home and ask if any of the residents could use English or other lessons.

Gender Equality

She’s the First is an organization that fights gender inequality through education. Students everywhere can create or join over 200 existing Campus Chapters that advocate for education equality in their local communities and in other places around the world. Together, groups can create fundraisers and raise awareness, and, eventually, give young girls around the world access to education that is bound to change their lives. Can’t join a chapter? Share your story using #WithMyBookbag to show how your education helped you get to where you are today.


Care in Action USA made it its mission to feed dozens of homeless people a day, and it does a great job at it in Broward County, Florida. Your energy, effort, and time can go a long way to support those in need, so if you’ve got a little time to spare, reach out to them, or to any other organization in your area with a similar mission, and offer a hand – there are so many ways you can do good!

Elderly Care

You have the potential to bring a huge smile to someone today, and Love for the Elderly’s projects are a simple yet great way to do just that! Write a letter and send it to an elderly home to brighten up the day of a resident there who might be feeling lonely. This is a wonderful way to do good year-round, even after the holiday season has ended. It’s bound to make you feel so great, you’ll want to join their monthly pen-pal program and get yourself a Senior Buddy instantly!

Ready to make a difference? Registration for Good Deeds Day is now open! Let us know what you’ll be doing to make the world a better place on April 15, 2018.