Know what you have to offer
When you’re asking for sponsorships, you need to know what you can give in return. Companies will usually like hearing about added value of your project, especially if it aligns with their CSR policies, so consider the impact you’ll be making when explaining why they should support your efforts. You can also offer to print their logo on the back of your t-shirts, mention them in your press release or give them ad space in your event, all to make them more likely to support your event.
Know what you’re asking for
There are many types of sponsorships, so it’s best to sit down with your team and figure out what exactly it is you want to get out of this sponsorship. Companies typically offer a monetary grant, an in-kind donation of materials or professional help in large projects, so make sure you know what you need before you start the process. Knowing what you’re after will also help when targeting the companies you’ll be reaching out to, so you’ll be more likely to get the sponsorship you were hoping for.

Outreach, outreach, outreach!
Don’t be shy and start sending those emails! Putting all your eggs in one basket isn’t a smart move – reaching out to multiple potential sponsors makes it easier and more likely for you to secure the funds you need to make your project come to life. Be creative with whom you reach out to – local shops are likely to want to get involved in community endeavours, papers and magazines might be willing to donate ad space, students from a close-by university could help with photography or other skills – so put your project out there and make it a group effort.
Be prepared
Congratulations, you got a meeting with a company who’s interested in sponsoring your event! Now what? We highly recommend creating a presentation, outlining the project that you’re doing and what you need to achieve it. Try including some of your success stories as well, past projects you have done, reports of your impact, etc.. To make this step extra easy, we have created a template for you to use, with guidelines bound to impress everyone you meet, free to download and available here.

Report your successes
It’s important to show your sponsors that their contribution has made an impact on your project and your community. An impact report is a good way to show the added value the sponsorship gave your project, making the company more likely to be interested in investing in your efforts again in the future. It can include any details you want to share, from a simple fact sheet to a full report that includes stats and figures on your project. Make sure to leave off on a positive note to ensure the company’s interest in your next event.
Looking for more useful tips on securing a sponsorship for your project? You’re in luck! We have launched a new Kit for Sponsorships, with examples and pro-tips to help you in approaching potential sponsors, as well as useful add-ons such as a letter and budget template, which will make your life easy and simple. Head over to the kit now to find out more!
Ready to make a difference? Registration for Good Deeds Day is now open! Let us know what you’ll be doing to make the world a better place on March 29, 2020.