Viewly.com, the home of social campaigning wants you to do good deeds online too. The platform allows everyone to discover, create and participate in a good cause in a fun and easy way. Our vision is to make the world a better place by allowing people, already doing good, to do more and to include their online friends to join in on the campaigning.
With Good Deeds Day, you can participate in events and begin helping others alongside your teammates, friends and family. Sometimes, time can be an issue and in our busy day to day lives, we can’t always get to leave work or family life in order to volunteer! The online world is the only place to get it done.
Imagine the success that the #IceBucketChallenge had last summer (it’s back, by the way). Imagine a new campaign that you started having the same kind of success that ALS had during the summer. It’s possible.
We decided that partnering up with the good deeds day team would be a really great bet on success for all of you. We found a way to make your lives better by allowing you to do more to help the causes that you care about most. We are giving you the opportunity to be a social activist online too.
How you can participate and spread the Good Deeds online?
Use the hashtag #GoodDeedsDay on your social media accounts and watch your good cause spread wide across the internet.
No inspiration to do your own good deed?
Check out Viewly.com and find out about some awesome causes that are sure to make you a social activist in no time!
If you are in NYC on April 10th 2016, head over to the main event happening in Herald Square in Manhattan.
This article was originally published on the Viewly Blog By Omri Sabi, CMO at Viewly, and appears here with permission.