1. Walking shelter dogs
Everyone knows animal shelters can always use an extra hand. Shelter dogs are kept inside for most of the day, and will definitely be happy to take a long walk outside. Visit your local shelter and ask about ways you can help. You’ll meet an adorable dog in no time, and you can even hatch a Pokemon while you’re at it! If you’re in Israel, SPCA shelters are always looking for dog-walkers in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Be’er Sheva and other cities.
2. Bring your puppy to an elderly home or kindergarten
Nothing makes us happier than playing with a cute puppy. Help your pet bring joy to others too by taking them to an elderly home or youth center near you, and letting them spread happiness there as well! That way, you get to do something good together, and have a lot of fun while you’re at it!

3. Assisting in adoption days
As much as we wish we could be a home to all the stray puppies, there are always plenty of doggies looking for homes. Help them find a new family by volunteering in adoption days! Organizations like Israel’s SOS Pets hold adoption days every week, and can always use extra help taking care of the dogs, advocating their important work, and convincing people to adopt themselves a friend!
4. Helping an elder take care of their dog
Giving a dog away is one of the hardest things to do. Despite all the benefits they get from their pets, elderly people sometimes have a difficult time caring for them and have to give their pets up. That’s where you come in! Help them keep and take care of their pups by taking them on walks or to the vet, or simply visiting once in a while to play.

5. Fostering a shelter dog
Adopting a dog is a huge responsibility, and not everyone is ready for that kind of commitment. Get the best of both worlds by opening your door and fostering a puppy that hasn’t found a home yet. Become their temporary family for a few weeks until they get adopted! Make their time waiting for adoption comfortable and keep them safe until they find a forever home.
This article was originally published on Ruach Tova and appears here with permission.